I had 24 exposures to take with one back up roll just in case. Numerous times I found myself setting up shots and thoroughly thinking about them only to decide. 'Neah, it's not work a frame. These frames are implacable and once it is there it is much more permanent than anything digital. As well as I have limited frames so every shot must count.
The other thing I had forgotten about film is the anticipation. There are few things more gratifying than getting a freshly developed roll of film back and seeing that your shots turned out. There is on the other hand nothing more frustrating than getting a roll back only to find that none of them turned out. This adds to the passion and the artistic value of it all I think.
So here are 12 of the 24 shots I took.

Waiting for the bus

Neighbor waiting for the same bus.

I liked the texture of the pole.

Children section at the SL Library. If you want to see how it really is your going to have to flip your screen upside-down. I like it better like this.

This guys shiny bike really caught my eye. It's to bad that when I approached him he turned out to think he was much cooler than he was. title: Cool Bike Douche Dude

I was waiting for the train as it started to rain so I crouched under the deck. This girl came up and told me what a great day it is for photographs. I couldn't tell if she was being facetious or serious because other than the rain the light was nice. I asked her if I could get a shot of her and her dog while she was standing on the platform but her dog started barking and I got 2 bad photos. So when we got on the train we continued talking and I asked her if I could get another shot. I like it but I need to work on taking photos of people without asking permission. I want more candid shots.

Right as the sun parted and the phone and hydrant were saturated with rain I got this one.

I found the irony in the fact that the stock exchange building was for sale

Cliche photo but I went for it anyway

Earlier in the day while crossing the street by the library I passed this girl and her crew. She had her bags on her back and the cat was laying up on her shoulder. However it was durring the down pour of rain so I did't have my camera out and ready to take a shot. So I went back to the library after it cleared up and found her. I broke the ice by asking where the cat was and went from there. When I asked if I could get a shot she said 'I would say a photo isnt free but your probably a broke college student.'
I said 'Yeah all I have is this camera'
This turned out being the last shot on the roll.
After I got them developed I ran into her and gave her this photo after signing it. I think her guy friend found it a lot cooler than she did.
I said 'Yeah all I have is this camera'
This turned out being the last shot on the roll.
After I got them developed I ran into her and gave her this photo after signing it. I think her guy friend found it a lot cooler than she did.
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